The Selection by: Kiera Cass

Synopsis: For thirty-five girls, the Selection is the chance of a lifetime. The opportunity to escape the life laid out for them since birth. To be swept up in a world of glittering gowns and priceless jewels. To live in the palace and compete for the heart of the gorgeous Prince Maxon.

But for America Singer, being Selected is a nightmare. It means turning her back on her secret love with Aspen, who is a caste below her. Leaving her home to enter a fierce competition for a crown she doesn’t want. Living in a palace that is constantly threatened by violent rebel attacks.

Then America meets Prince Maxon. Gradually, she starts to question all the plans she’s made for herself- and realizes that the life she’s always dreamed of may not compare to a future she never imagined.

Thoughts: The Hunger Games meets royalty is how I felt while reading this book. And, I cannot even begin to describe how much I adored it. Once I hit a certain point in the book, I couldn’t put it down. It’s enchanting, thrilling, sexy, and a beautiful read.

We start off with America Singer, a five (royalty being ones and going down from there). American has always known her place and she’s always been happy with it. Especially, since she’s got Aspen Leger, a six, by her side. She doesn’t care about the rules… they’re in love. But then the selection happens and America is chosen as one of the girls to compete for Prince Maxon’s heart. Being part of the selection means compensation that her family definitely needs, celebrity status and maybe rising caste numbers, or even being queen. America doesn’t want any of it except help for her family. But, she soon realizes how caring Prince Maxon can actually be and how easy falling into that life style could become.

I truly adored this book. It honestly has become a favorite. Each and every character somehow found their way into my bones… except Celeste. She’s the girl we all love to hate. There’s also the complete opposite, Marlee, who’s the friend we all love and want. Even Maxon and America’s families I found myself adoring. Especially America’s sister May! I just wanted to squeeze her and send her yummy treats! And, with our main character, America, I just loved everything about her. I loved her looks. Her attitude… the way she always stood up for what she believed in and did what she though was right, not what was “expected” of her. The strength in her is outstanding.

So… they boys. Let me first say it is so, so incredibly rare of me to be on the fence. I usually always can be “team whoever”. I may not always necessary be in the majority but I usually have a favorite. With The Selection, I am honestly SO torn. First, there is Aspen Leger. GOD I LOVE HIS NAME. Aspen? How amazingly sexy is that? He’s also got those green eyes, nice built, hard worker aspects going on. The way he loves America is just beautiful. And I’m totally a sucker for the best friend turned lover quality. Then on the other side is the lovely Maxon Schreave. Yep, yet another gorgeous name. One thing I completely loved was Maxon and America’s first hang out. It was comical, yet caring, and so real. I love how gentle their relationship is and how it grows into something so fragile yet beautiful. I truly love both of these boys. It is so hard for me to pick a team because I’d honestly be happy if America ended up with either. Though if I had to choose at this moment… I’m leaning toward Maxon. 🙂

Honestly, I flipped through this one so quickly… I could not put it down. The world building and imaging was so fantastic. I could imagine everything happening and seeing the events as the characters did. I was also constantly feeling the emotions right along side the characters. Whether it was cheering with joy, aching with hurt, stomach dropping, or just being strong. And, Kiera didn’t give all the secrets away just yet either! I am honestly so excited to see what will come next in America, Maxon, and Aspen’s journey. I cannot get that book quick enough! The Selection is one royally brilliant book.

– 5 out of 5 Splatters –

Published by Jena Freeth

30. Boy mom. Book lover. Fitness junkie. Shopaholic.

17 thoughts on “The Selection by: Kiera Cass

  1. You know this is the first positive review I've read for this book and I'm thankful for it . . . because it sounds awesome and I hate seeing low star reviews for a book that I'm excited for. Well . . . I was mainly excited because of the gorgeous cover and of course since the tv rights were bought and Ethan Peck is attached to play this Prince dude. Anyway great review!


  2. Dude. thank you for the awesome comment :). I was really bummed to see all the low reviews too. Because I really did enjoy this one a whole lot! And I think Ethan will make a GREAT Maxon!


  3. I agree with everything that Erin said! This book is getting so much negative hype right now and I feel so bad for it because the whole idea of it sounds like a blast! 😦 America sounds like someone we'd be able to relate to right off the bat, and I love that the whole cast caught your heart — that's when you know a book is truly amazing! 🙂 So thank you SO MUCH for writing this, Jena! It makes me really happy that you loved this book so much, and I can't wait until I can have the chance to read it! 🙂 ❤


  4. Reviews are fun to read but ultimately I make my own decisions about books, because liking or disliking a book is a very personal thing. That said, your review reinforces my hopes for this book. It totally sounds like my sort of thing and I am absolutely dying to read it. I am glad that you enjoyed it. If I remember when it releases, I'll drop by and let ya know what I think. 🙂 Have a great day!


  5. Your's is the first review I've read for THE SELECTION and I love it! The whole Hunger Games meets royalty idea seems like some crazy fun 🙂 I cannot wait to get my own copy! Thanks for posting your honest thoughts!Diana @ The Lovely Getaway


  6. Wow, sounds like a great read but I'm curious: This is not historical, right? Is it YA? If is not set in 1800 or something similar, then I'll add to my never ending list of books to buy. I haven't read THG so I have no idea *blush* I love it when there is a wide range of characters…different and when you can connect with them, for me that's the best part.Great review! ❤ 🙂


  7. Love your review and I'm really interested in the book. I checked it out on Goodreads just now and there's a lot of drama going on. Author being mean to a reviewer..sth like that. Many negative reviews, too. Now I'm ambivalent about it. Either way, thank you for your review & bringing this book to my attention in the first place. _yay_ @BookthatThing!Stop by anytime.


  8. I love how subjective books can be. I was one of the people who read the book and didn’t love it, and was really surprised to see all of the drama going on at GR. I think my two big issues with this book where that I HATED the MC’s name and I didn’t get Aspen at all. I’m with you if I had to choose a side I would go with Max. Even though I was more meh on this than anything else, I totally plan on reading the next one.


  9. I do love seeing other people's opinions. I think it makes things so interesting to see where other people's brains went! And I agree though I don't necessarily love America's name.. I do love her personality. And I'm glad you're going to keep reading! I hope you enjoy the next one more! 🙂


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