Teaser Tuesday

I just started Shattered Souls by: Mary Lindsey and I like it so far. So here’s a small teaser for you! 🙂

I need your help,” the same small voice cried, now from right next to me.
I flinched so hard I smacked my head on the steel stall divider. Fear masked the pain from the lump rising on the back of my skull. There was no one there. I was hearing things, just like he did.
I had to get out. Now!
I yanked the door handle to escape. It wouldn’t budge. My fingers fumbled with the lock, but it was stuck. Gripping the handle, I tugged hard.
“Oh, my God!” I yelled. “Let me out!”
Hope you enjoyed! 🙂

Want some MORE Shatter Souls teasers? Head on over to BROOKE-REPORTS for more! 🙂

Published by Jena Freeth

30. Boy mom. Book lover. Fitness junkie. Shopaholic.

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