New Layout/Domain

Hey everyone!! SO CHECK IT OUT!!!!

1) I have a new layout!!! I’m so excited to share it!! The AMAZING Katie from KD Designs did it! Isn’t it AMAZEBALLS?!!? I love it and I’d love for you to tell me your thoughts in the comments! Or e-mail me! πŸ™‚ I cannot thank Katie enough, I think she did an amazing job! πŸ™‚

Want to find Katie?! Stalk her here:
2) I bought my domain!!! So officially my new website is now: How exciting is that?! *happy dance* Now, my old link will still direct you here, so no worries! But now if you want to type my URL anywhere you no long have to type blogger! Whoo! πŸ™‚
3) Along with my new blog design, I also have a new button! If you’d like to keep the old one… awesome, I don’t mind, keep it! If you’d like to switch it the new one, that’s awesome too! They will both direct you to my site, the only different is the new button matches my new blog design! So you can choose whichever you like better!

4) I now have embedded comments! Go use em! πŸ˜‰

5) I never did a giveaway when I hit 1k followers. BUT, now I am 1,200!!! That is FREAKEN AWESOME. So, expect a giveaway coming up sometime soon! πŸ™‚
SOOOOOO… What do ya think?! πŸ™‚

Published by Jena Freeth

30. Boy mom. Book lover. Fitness junkie. Shopaholic.

18 thoughts on “New Layout/Domain

  1. AHHH! IT LOOKS SO EFFIN' BOMB, YO!!! ❀ ❀ ❀ I'm totally jelly! And holy SHIZZ! You're signature looks DOPE! I think that's my favorite thing about the whole entire layout! LBVS! Oh! and how the camera is the 'O'!!! JENAAAA! I LOVE IT!!


  2. JEEEEEEEEEENNNNNAAAA! You redecorated! I love what you've done with the place πŸ˜€ Seriously, it looks SO gorgeous and ooooh pretty new url!And damn girl. Congratulations on your followers! SO deserved! ❀


  3. oh my gosh I was out all day today, I wanted to be the first comment…stalker mode FAIL! 😦 Anyway, I LOVE IT!!!!!!! I like the background, subtle/pretty. And the musical note on the \”shortie\” #win! And you bought your domain yay!! That is so awesome, when I officially open the doors to my blog I want to do that first thing haha. And I like the new button too…and the font \”About Me\” and \”Followers\” and your signature, so so nice with the color splash!!! *-* I think I'm in love LOL. Same with the cute little buttons for twitter, and GR and all that. Oooookay! I better shut up and stop wrriting, because I love it all. Wanted to make sure you know that πŸ˜‰ ❀


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